Sunday, July 18, 2010
The pictures you didn't see and we didn't take were of us riding through a village on the horses. This was the first close up view the kids got of how life really is. The shacks were made of tin and wood. The front lawns were all packed dirt. Chickens, pigs, and dogs ran loose. After going through the village Antonio stopped complaining about anything - I think he really saw how his life could have been.
This is a picture of us right before we went into a cave. By this time Jody and I were understanding that Guatemalan's don't exactly tell the truth. If they say a storm isn't going to come though it looks like it is - it probably is going to come. This guide told Jody that there wouldn't be any small spaces to squeeze through. The kids and I knew that the first time we were on our belly going through a tight opening that Jody made the right to decision to wait for us and not come in. There were three such spaces.
The countryside was beautiful.