Crystel loves this picture. You can almost imagine that she is the woman in the picture looking out at the Volcano.
In the airport at Guatemala City we made our first and last mistakes in ordering food. Ice came with a drink that Antonio pointed out and we didn't drink. A fountain soda came with a meal that we didn't drink. The kids were excellent at following all the rules to stay healthy. We each carried a 2 oz bottle of hand cleaner in our pocket and used it constantly. We didn't get sick on our trip. This was pretty amazing in itself. Seven years ago we all came home with a gut wrenching bug that we needed antibiotics to get rid of. The purple ball Crystel is playing with was lost at the airport when Antonio flung it to high and it went into a restricted area.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Antonio meets the pilot. We traveled from Mpls to Houston from Houston to Guatemala City from Guatemala City to Flores in one day. Three planes. 4am - 7:30 pm travel day. The children did very, very well traveling. We were surprised and delighted.
Crystel running in Guatemala's airport. A lot has changed in seven years. We felt very safe in the airport. The airport was new and unless you had an airline ticket you weren't allowed inside. Whether it was changing money or finding out where we needed to go - we felt safe.