Saturday, July 31, 2010

A soccer game. We saw lots and lots of futbol being played on school grounds. I wondered if the children were constantly on recess. We passed on school and they were having lunch. Carlos explained to us that it was milk and rice mixed together. Later that day, Antonio said, so if I lived here I wouldn't get to decide what I ate. I said, that's right. A home.
We will be getting ferried across the river. There wasn't a bridge. This was close to the place that if you wanted to go to Mexico you turn right which is the way that the Guatemalans come into the United States.
The further we got away from the cities the more native Guatemalans were. This was my favorite part of the trip. Seeing women carrying things on their head and everyone wore long skirts.

Friday, July 30, 2010

A store. On our way from Tikel - Flores, Guatemala - to Antonio's birth village country (near Coban). I would say that it is hilly and curvy and mountainaous but I would be describing all of Guatemala.
That building on the far left is a home. We saw lots of that on our walks and horseride. It only felt right to take pictures from a moving car.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

A Guatemalan house. Though this is much bigger and nicer than most. One of our hotels. We traveled between two worlds constantly. We would see poverty during the day and then come home to a nice home with a swimming pool.
We saw lots of military presence. The person in the pickup in front of us is holding a gun.
A tuk tuk. In Antiqua we rode tuk's tuk's a few times.
This house is more like the Guatemalan houses we saw during the day.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A kitchen of a restaraunt that we ate at. They thought it was kindof funny that I wanted to take a photo. But of course, this isn't how our restaraunt kitchens look.
We are seated on a veranda at the restaraunt. It was very nice to stop here after our trip to Tikel.
This home is very typical of Guatemala. The roof is made from whatever tin one can find. The side of the house whatever wood one can find. The kids saw a village of houses that were even less habitable on our horse ride. That was an awakening.
This is a typical store. Antonio got very good at asking what the price of things were and what he wanted. We bought many a carton of noodle soup - that you only have to add water to - for him while in Guatemala.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

They are lovely. Carlos showing us how to go down steps without falling. Side to side. One after another.
Crystel resting under a famous tree. I forget the name. There were birds in it.
Walking in Tikel.

Monday, July 26, 2010

They were far too close to the ledge as far as Iwas concerned. We were very, very high. Crystel being a spider monkey. My day was complete when we saw some. Carlos is cheering her on.
There she goes.
Like I said, we were very, very high and I told the children to get down right away.
Well, after one more quick picture.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Jody and Antonio doing homework. We brought it along. And actually the kids were okay with it and looked forward to it. It was a great way to pass the time waiting for our meal. We always threw our leftover buns/bread to the crocodiles. Some better than others.
A turtle shell for a faucet. I needed to help Antonio in the mens bathroom to assure him that all was well. This made us both jump. I wasn't sure that it wasn't alive at first. A great thing to do with turtle shells though turtle soup wasn't on the menu.
The crocodile looking for a child or bread. Climbing the steps in Tikel. In the foreground is our awesome driver Carlos. He was our driver, our bodyguard, our market talker, and our guide.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Antonio was excited and flabbergasted that George handed him the controls. Often the Guatemalans treated Antonio as the 'man' of the party. I think in Guatemala at eight years old you can be the 'man' of the house. We also used Antonio for translating for us. So he appeared to be the 'man'. Zooming away from the island.
Crystel does get a chance, too. As well as Jody and I.
Crystel, Antonio, and George. Hmmm. I wonder who is driving.
Now Antonio is at the head of the boat. That was fun as well.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Jody and Crystel on the boat. We are taking the boat across the Lake to the Zoo. And there it is.
That's our boat sitting out in the water.
This might be the only animal I post. You can barely see it. Look in the middle of the picture for the Tiger. The zoo was great. We enjoyed seeing it. The boat ride was awesome. Our tour guide was actually George our boat person. This is a picture of us looking down from the zoo. We certainly would go again.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Walking up high. The trail.
Everything seems big in Guatemala. Big spiders. Big palms. Big mountains.
Looking at Flores from a boat.
And the Guatemalan's say it's not going to rain.