One of our favorite activitees to do in the winter is rollerskate at Rollergardens in St. Louis Park. I was very impressed with Antonio and Crystel. Crystel insisted on being on her own almost from the start. Antonio, being much more cautious, waited until there was about a half hour left of the evening. He was very pleased with himself. As well as he should be.

He would pause for a pose each time he went by me. Yes, I was sitting. I had fun sitting and watching.
Here's the group minus two teenagers. Peg is next to me. Mary and Jen are next to Crystel. Jen's daughter and Peg's nephew were typical teenagers and trying to escape the camera.
And when they did get their picture taken - it had to be goofy. Or what fun was there?
Jody, Antonio and Crystel do the Limbo. Amazing.

That would be Crystel with the headband and Aunt Mary following her.

Crystel had her own technique. Though Aunt Mary kept telling her to bend down like an old woman so she could keep her balance. So this is the old woman technique.

Ah, it was nice when she had a moment of balance.

And not so nice when she didn't. It was a good thing Crystel didn't have far to fall. By the end of the night she had learned now to fall lightly, gracefully, and dancelike.