Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Lumberjack Days in Stillwater

This is the look of a boy who is saying that he doesn't understand why he is in a one mile race. He loves to be chased, he loves to run but this thing his moms signed him up for - does not do it for him. We had several training runs for this one mile. During our training runs their heart hurt, their side hurt, their head hurt. Even so, they are signed up for their first triathlon. A swim, bike and run. That will be in a few weeks. How fun for the moms. I have never done a triathlon myself. This was much more their style. They were able to do about five bouncy things.
By the way - they did the mile in about 14 minutes. Only a couple minutes slower than me. And - Crystel finished before Antonio. Could it be because he was running with me? He seems to think so and wants Mama Jody to be his running mate next time.