Thursday, July 31, 2008
Happy Birthday Sarah!
Sarah is getting ready to charge the pool with her boys. 40 years old, doesn't that beat all? I'm her big sister, always will be her big sister. I remember the day she was born, I tell her. I was ten years old. It was 5:00 in the morning when my dad called his sister, my Aunt Kate, to tell us that he had a little red headed girl. I listened to them talking where I lay 'suppose to be sleeping' on the floor. My younger sisters, Mary and Alice, sleeping next to me. I woke them up and told them the news. Baby Sarah Ruth, eleventh child, joined seven brothers and three sisters. Oh My, What a Story.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Lumberjack Days in Stillwater
This is the look of a boy who is saying that he doesn't understand why he is in a one mile race. He loves to be chased, he loves to run but this thing his moms signed him up for - does not do it for him.
We had several training runs for this one mile. During our training runs their heart hurt, their side hurt, their head hurt.
Even so, they are signed up for their first triathlon. A swim, bike and run. That will be in a few weeks. How fun for the moms. I have never done a triathlon myself.
This was much more their style. They were able to do about five bouncy things.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Charlie is an Eagle Scout
Charlie started babysitting for us when the children were still in diapers. Yes, he has changed their diapers. He can tell them that.
He can also say that he helped them build snow people.
He's all grown up now. Soon he will be off to a university. His younger brother, Sam, babysits the children. No diapers.
Monday, July 28, 2008
My First Video's
My first video's. Things I learned. One - you need to keep the camera in one position. Two - it records your voice.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
YMCA camp
Remember that big pile
This was my workshop writing week. I was going to write while the kids were off at camp - every day - from 8-5. I've never had so much free time. I missed them. I moved more wood chips then I did words - waiting, waiting, waiting, for them to come home.
Antonio and Crystel heading to camp with Alex and Tori.
Friday, July 25, 2008
A Birthday Song And A Tooth Fairy
"Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. I'm sad it's not my birthday yet. Happy Birthday to you." Crystel singing to Antonio on his birthday. I reminded her that she would be getting four teeth pulled out shortly and therefore the tooth fairy would be making a visit. This made her happy.
The first time Crystel got four teeth out - her four bottom teeth - pulled by the dentist to make room for the ones coming in - I made a mistake and asked her if she wanted to see and then gave her a mirror. I didn't make that same mistake this time. OOOPs. Crystel just asked me, "Who is that?" while looking at the computer. Her response to realizing it's her, "I look funny!" And then she left. Damage control once again. But she did laugh which means that her shock will be over soon.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
The Lund's Did Come
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
A fire, a flood, a tornado warning
I'm generally not this tired at the end of the day. But on this particular day the dog got it right. We had a fire, a flood, and a tornado all within an hour. By the end of the day, I felt like Bandit Rose looked.
It was cousin's day. Tina and I took care of the fire in the bbq grill without the seven children in attendance ever knowing. She had a good idea. Just let the brats cook. It's 400 degrees. Don't worry about putting the fire out.
Then the floods came. Fortunately, Ralph and Tina, took ownership of the water pouring in the house through the window that was not properly affixed. Oh, the problems we could have had - if we were not at home - My computer and camera were sitting on the floor in the flood plain. Ouch.
Then the tornado siren. If no children were present this would have been a warning where the adults would have stood outside and looked up at the sky. But not with children. We hustled the seven children - five of which are five and under down the basement stairs and to our tornado shelter. All was good. They watched a video on the DVD player until we were ready for them to come up.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Antonio's birthday week
Sunday, July 20, 2008
We don't go far when we camp. In fact, we don't leave Hennepin County. This is Baker Park. Lake Independence. Maple Plain. Still as Crystel and Antonio say, "I like being in a different world." This is not home. We camped for only one night but everything was so different it felt like three days.
Even the neighbors kindof laugh at us. One moment they see us packing and the next moment we're home.
This was the first camp program we attended. The children are old enough to listen and be interested. Crystel was one of the last children to leave the program. They had to rip the mouse out of her hand and tell her to go home.
She was so excited. Antonio and Jody left and walked the dogs. I kept a respectful distance from the rodents.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
The Lund's are coming
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Crystel and Kayla
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Be careful when you're invited for dinner at our house.
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