Thursday, April 24, 2008
Can fairies die? God is in me forever. He can take care of my little spirit. I know what God does when my heart explodes, he puts it back together like a puzzle. When I die will I be born again in Guatemala? Can we go there and wait for a baby to wake up?
Crystel and I pass two cemetaries on our drive to retrieve Antonio from Joyce Preschool. This often prompts her to ask what happens when we die and then our conversation moves to birth and then back to dying. I quickly grab the small notebook I have for such occasions and become a secretary taking diction. I can't write fast enough to catch her words. In these moments I'm in the presence of a mystic. Or certainly a person who is channeling spirit.
I have thought of getting a tape recorder for these occasions but that feels a bit intrusive though I'm not sure that she would mind. At times she tells me that she wants me to write a story about a specific something or that she has written a story whereas she'll produce some squiggly lines and tell me what she wrote.
You may wonder what Antonio is doing during these conversations as they continue even after he gets in the car. He can take about ten minutes of our discussion and then says, "Can you turn the music on please?" And honestly, by about this time, I'm ready for music myself.
Here come the children now. They have just gotten home from swim lessons.
"What are you writing, Mama Beth?"
I start to read.
Antonio stops me abruptly. "Fairies can really die." His voice rises. "Tinkerbell dies."
Jumping into the conversation, Crystel adds, "Tinkerbell died because she didn't believe in she and then when she believed in herself she lived."
I'll go to bed with that thought.