Thursday, August 5, 2010

The start of a long walk up a mountain. Jody took this picture. I got very, very nervous. Our instructions were to not take any pictures of women walking up the mountain or down. They might think we were stealing their land or their children. The people in this village very likely have never left their village. They don't read or have television. All that they know is what they know. After Jody took a picture of this cow. I kind of freaked out. I don't know if I actually took the camera from her but I know I wanted too. First a picture of us walking, then a cow, who knew what she would take a picture of next.
Well, this is okay. We were at our spot at a cabin on top of the mountain. It was a mountain. You can even see in the picture how hot the kids were. Antonio has a homemade fan and Crystel has picked up nesting material.
A view from the top.
Another view.