Sunday, August 15, 2010

Starting the trip home.
I was never so happy to see this sign. I like living in the United States. Jody is ready to go back to Guatemala. I'm ready to take the kids and us to an all inclusive resort. I'm thinking the vote is 3-1.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Saying goodbye to our hotel. What a beautiful place.
Saying goodbye to Carlos.
And whoever this guy is - it's still traveling with us.
Carlos waving goodbye as we head into the airport.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Antonio and Crystel at Lake Amatitilan. Crystel was born here.
Our drive up to Volcano Pacaya. This is the volcano that erupted. Classmates of Crystel told her that her birth mom died. We showed Crystel all along the way that people continued to live on the volcano.
We went as far as we were allowed. It was quite a ride up. Next time we travel to Guatemala perhaps we will climb this Volcano and roast marshmallows on the hot lava.
Enjoying pizza with Carlos. Our driver, bodyguard and friend.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

In the water. Antiqua. Motorcycles were the thing to have. They rode down the middle and both sides of the roads right where there were cars.
Antonio. That's me in the background. I must have given Jody the camera back.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What we can see from our room. And this.
Our boy showing how happy he is to away from Bob's and here in Antiqua.
Standing with his sister.
And Jody is very happy.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Antonio sitting up to get a glimpse of his birth village.
An amublance. Which is actually a pickup truck.
Our new hotel. From Bob's place instead of staying at another tree house - we took no chances and cancelled and booked a grand place in Antiqua. No spiders there. And they had room service, a television, swimming pool, restaraunt, and on and on. Even a playground.
The kids were very pleased.

Monday, August 9, 2010

There's the Mustache. She even kept it on. You need a girl like Crystel around to constantly bring you humor.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Hummingbirds at the feeder. Even hummingbirds are big in Guatemala. Bob.
Our bags leaving Bob's. Jody and I joked with each other how we'd be running out of Bob's. It is the one place we wouldn't recommend staying but of course those places always stay in your mind because of the challenges that came with it. Bob's place and Bob were challenging.
Crystel standing inside our cabin at Bob's.
She is making a mustache out of something. Even amongst the challenges we found plenty to laugh about.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

In the blue cans is milk. This picture taken from our van. Antonio, Crystel and I going caving. We have hard hats and boots. Hard hats fall off and boots with holes.
Now we are going in. Crystel is a bit nervous though she'll never admit that.
This rushing water also ran in the cave. We were holding onto ropes to not fall in the water. I kid you not. I kept telling Crystel that if her hat fell off, and it did, to not let go of the rope. We actually turned around and came out instead of crossing the rushing water inside the cave. I reached down and picked Crystel's hat out of the water before it was lost to the river.
Hummingbirds at Bob's rustic cabin.

Friday, August 6, 2010

He was our guide and gaurd. We actually needed him once on the way down. We would not have taken this walk without him. At our destination on the mountain, having a snack and looking through binocoulars. See. I did take the camera from Jody.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The start of a long walk up a mountain. Jody took this picture. I got very, very nervous. Our instructions were to not take any pictures of women walking up the mountain or down. They might think we were stealing their land or their children. The people in this village very likely have never left their village. They don't read or have television. All that they know is what they know. After Jody took a picture of this cow. I kind of freaked out. I don't know if I actually took the camera from her but I know I wanted too. First a picture of us walking, then a cow, who knew what she would take a picture of next.
Well, this is okay. We were at our spot at a cabin on top of the mountain. It was a mountain. You can even see in the picture how hot the kids were. Antonio has a homemade fan and Crystel has picked up nesting material.
A view from the top.
Another view.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Bob's cabin. The hills.
Jody and Crystel reading on the sun porch.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The scene from Bob's rustic cabin. A beautiful green. Where all things are large like spiders. Antonio and Crystel washing clothes by hand.
This is the cabin. We stayed for two nights.
Going for a walk. This was probably the most rustic and out in the village we were. No tv, no newspapers. The villagers though we were quite strange. Also they probably spoke a native language which was not Spanish.