Wednesday, June 18, 2008
What's In A Name?
"Antonio calls me Suzy cause it's funny and I say I'm not Suzy, Sally, but sometimes he calls me Suzy. But I call him Tony sometimes. All done."
This was in response to my inquiry about why her brother calls her Suzy. He has done this for at at least six months now. To the point that he will introduce Crystel to others as his sister, Suzy. He has called her Suzy so often that there are occasions where he stumbles over saying, "Crystel" when he really wants to use her given name.
Being called Suzy by her brother doesn't bother her. Crystel doesn't complain or remark about it or say, "Don't call me that!" She takes it in stride so I have concluded that - to all the Suzy's in the world - it is a compliment, and an intimate gesture to be so named.