Sunday, March 7, 2010

Antonio and Liam doing an awesome job at the banquet. Liam helped Antonio set the boards up for his kicks/hit. I love the sound of the kids as Antonio breaks his first board. I didn't even need to get in there to help but I was a nervous mama and wanted it to go well.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Antonio and Liam doing Antonio's form at Cub Scouts

Liam helped Antonio with his form for the Cub Scout banquet.

They did such a great job. Thanks, Liam for your help!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Kayla and Crystel at the Banquet.
Liam and Antonio getting ready to break boards and do Antonio's form for the audience.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Banquet Cub Scouts

Notice the new Cub Scout leader, Does she look familiar? We are doing a skit having to do with beating up junk food (laying on floor) and eating our fruits and vegetables.
The kids getting ready to start the skit.
Jerry is our leader. He is in the scout uniform wondering where his poster is that he should be holding.
Antonio receiving a Purple Heart award for his sledding accident that bruised his face. Crystel and Jody at nap time. Apparently everyone is asleep but the dogs. Sometimes I have to fetch Jody to come out of laying with the kids.