Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The jail cell

The kids were duly impressed with the cell. They wanted to see what a bad guy looked like. Alas, not today. Poor Antonio is the black headed kid who will not getting any closer. He is actually afraid of many things. Jail cells being one.
We are looking at bullets, tasers and guns. One little fellow said he was too young to be tazed.
A rapt audience.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Cub Scout Police Dept Tour

When you are a Reserve Officer you can wrangle a tour for the Tiger Cub Scouts. This is the Dispatch center. We had an actual Domestic call come in and the 911 Operators were asked by the Scouts what that meant.
The adults were interested as well.
In uniform is Officer Kevin Lehman who heads up the Reserve Officers. He's leading the tour. Antonio is standing next to Marty looking up at the screens.
Officer Kevin is offering hockey cards to all kids who listen well and don't make noise in the dispatch center - as live calls come in.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Pine Derby Car

The making of a Pine Derby car. Marty is seeing how the wheels turn and if they are slanting in the right direction. Notice the several chuck e. cheeze tickets Antonio painted on his car. Believe me, noone had a car that looked like his. It was unique.
Marty and Antonio concur that it will work.
Before wheels. I think Marty is putting graphite in the wheels.
And now the wheels.