Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Dinner with Ann and Scott

Ann, Crystel and Scott
Bgeth, Crystel, Antonio and Jody Jody and Antonio
Ann and Crystel

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Antonio and I trying to target Amie and Crystel
Amie was a trooper. She got very wet! Not from us. Just happenstance. Crystel won the butterfly contest. But does it really count if you take your mom's hat and also go around taking butterflys from people. She has no shame.
Now, Antonio. He has some pride. He lets the butterfly land on him then asks you to get it off of him RIGHT NOW. Him and I are always the first to leave. Right outside the butterfly house is a cotton candy house where we indulge while we wait and wait and wait for Crystel to be utterly satisfied that she has enough butterflies on her person.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

State Fair

This is what it looks like coming out of the haunted house. Jody is holding Antonio. Sssssh. (he started crying inside the haunted house - this is the first time he went in) Usually Crystel is the one who insists on going inside with Aunt Amie - for the past three years. This is going in.
Antonio and Crystel enjoying my drink. Antonio gives the thumbs up sign.
Our first stop was for MEAT. I'm holding the porkchop, Antonio the Turkey leg, and Jody the corn dog. At 10 am there isn't a line yet.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Bouncy pictures

What do you do when everyone has gone home? Put your pajamas on and go down the bouncy on pillows. Because you are going to sleep in the bouncy with Mama Jody. What a fun boy!
And a fun girl!
And together, they are fun.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Cleaning the car.

Count the hats he has on and the earplugs in his ear. Still, lucky mom. Crystel and Antonio are good cleaners. Very detail oriented.
And they get right on top of things.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Crystel!

Pajamas and rollerblades. She must have liked them. Antonio giving Crystel her gift. Backugan's of course. What else would a sister want?
Antonio is showing her how to skateboard on her new skateboard.
Like this, Crystel.
There she goes.